The Complete List of Sexual Kinks and Fetishes from A to Z

Did you ever wonder what a fetish is exactly? You are not the only one.
Here is the complete list from A to Z:


Abasiophilia: attraction to people in neck braces, wheelchairs, casts, or other devices that impair mobility that was documented for the first time as occurring in a woman in the late 80s. It may be part of a medical fetish or enjoyed because it restricts movement.

Abduction as seduction: a kink where the abductor/kidnapper treats the victim in a loving manner (can be related to gentle femdom).

Abrasions: people who enjoy this fetish like giving or receiving cuts and scrapes.

Acarophilia: arousal from scratching. Scratching is often an element incorporated into rough sex.

Accidental stimulation: refers to accidental physical stimulation and situations that arouse adrenaline and cause arousal.

Acrotomophilia: fetish for amputees. Fetishists may prefer a specific type of amputee (arm, leg, etc). A person with a fetish for being an amputee has apotemnophilia. There may be an overlap with morphophilia.

Actirasty: arousal by the rays of the sun. This may be enjoyed through sex outside. Discover how to have satisfying sex outside.

Agalmatophilia: a person with this fetish is aroused by statues, mannequins or other figurative representations. This may be related to  Pygmalionism, an attraction to items of one’s own creation.

Age play:  role play in which one or both partners pretends to be a different age/stage. Types of age play include infantilism, Daddy/daughter play, and diaper play, among others. Some kinksters differentiate between DD/lg and age play.

Agoraphilia: fetish dedicated to sex in public places. Here are the 48 best places to have sex if you have this fetish.

Aliens: kinksters fetishize having sex with aliens, often in an abduction and forced scenario.

Altocalciphilia: a fetish for high heels, usually worn by women but not always.

Amazons and authoritarians: fetish dedicated to physically strong women like Amazons, women with strong personalities, or women in positions of authority.

Amaurophilia:  kink for being unable to see, blinded or blindfolded during sex.

Anal penetration: a fetish for anal penetration with foreign objects (not sex toys or penises). Inserting objects that are not designed for anal safety (porous, without a flared base, with sharp edges) can cause damage.

Anal sex: both giving and receiving anal sex can be a kink or fetish. Giving to a male with a strap-on is also known as pegging.

Anal toys worn under clothing: a fetish for using/wearing anal toys such as using butt plugs during the day and not just during sexual activity. It may be a command of a submissive by a dominant, part of anal training to take bigger items or penises and/or as part of foreplay.

Anal training: the practice of preparing one’s anus for inserting large items.

Anasteemaphilia: a fetish for people of extreme sizes, ie a giant or a dwarf. It can be used to refer to attraction to partners of differing heights even if those people aren’t especially gigantic or tiny.

Anonymous sex: a kink revolving around anonymous sexual encounters where one or both parties are unaware of the other’s identity. Gloryholes are a common form of anonymous sex but they are not the only form.

Aquaphilia: fetish for water and having sex in or around water.  This can extend to a fetish for swimwear or posing in water even if it doesn’t involve sexual activity.

Asphyxiation: a highly dangerous kink dedicated to choking, smothering and strangulation. Autoerotic asphyxiation is self-choking. To be clear, asphyxiation is very dangerous and has led to injuries and deaths.

Autogynephilia: a kink where men present/dress as women (gynemimetophilia refers to men impersonating women). Autoandrophilia is arousal at the idea of being a man.

Note that this term was coined as an improvement on cross-dressing kink and has been used to describe transgendered individuals and has been used as an argument that trans people are mentally ill. Many prefer not to use this term, which is often transphobic. However, some people may have a fetish for crossdressing or becoming another gender that does not relate to their gender identity.

Autofellatio: a kink where a man performs a blowjob on himself.

Autoplushophilia:  a type of plushophilia where a person is aroused by the idea of being a stuffed animal, especially a cartoonish one.


Barebacking:  sex without a condom. Barebacking is especially common in the gay community, but this act can be dangerous and lead to STI transmission or pregnancy.

Bathroom control: when the dominant person controls when, how and where the submissive can urinate or defecate. Extreme bathroom control can be dangerous.

Begging: kink for begging and pleading (to have sex, for release/orgasm, to perform an act, etc.). Begging is submissive in nature.

Belonephilia: affinity to pins, needles and sharp objects.  Belonephilia can be quite dangerous. See also knife play.

Bestiality:  sex with animals.

Bimbofication: The process of making someone into a bimbo or being turned into a bimbo themselves. This might be a fun “punishment” for a bratty sub.

Blindfolds: a type of bondage that blocks a person’s vision.

Body Inflation: The practice of inflating or pretending to inflate a part of one’s body, often for sexual gratification.

Bondage: restraint of a person, either by physical item (cuffs, rope, etc.) or instruction (known as mental bondage). Restraint can be full-body (vacuum beds, suspension) or involve a single body part such as the eyes (blindfold), mouth (ball gag), wrists or even thumbs. Bondage may include furniture and devices.

Body modification: kink for a variety of body modifications. This may mean anything that changes the appearance of a body from tattoos to piercings to saline injections, but this kink may also only refer to specific body mods such as lip sewing.

Branding: marking someone with a symbol, word, etc. Typically uses a heated object to produce the brand. Branding is dangerous.

Breath play:  choking and limiting breath.  Being aroused by this is known as hypoxyphilia  This kink is a type of edge play that is dangerous.

Breast/nipple torture: the breast equivalent of CBT. Torture may include hitting, pinching, bondage, and other methods of inflicting pain on breasts.

Breast/nipple worship: the act of worshipping someone’s breasts or nipples.


Caning: the act of hitting someone with a rod known as caning.  Fleshy areas such as the back of the thighs and butt are advised, but some people enjoy caning the bottoms of feet. Canes are traditionally made from wood, but modern canes may be made from plastic, metal or other semi-flexible materials. Caning is a form of impact play that is more extreme than typical flogging and may be dangerous if done improperly. Sadists are usually the most common type of dom that enjoy caning their sub.

Castration: An extreme fetish involving the removal of all or part of a man’s genitals. Actual castration is incredibly dangerous. Most kinksters obsess over it without actually going through with it. This kink goes hand in hand with emasculation fetishes as well as ball busting, in which a man’s balls are crushed.

CBT: Cock and ball torture (CBT) is pain applied to a man’s genitals. It may be a form of punishment. CBT can involve shoes, sounding, stretching, impact implements and other tools. CBT can be dangerous.

Chasmophilia: aroused by crevices, caverns, or valleys.

Chastity: a fetish where someone’s access to their genitals is blocked. Women wear chastity belts, and men wear cock cages that prevent erection and release. Also known as forced abstinence or forced celibacy. Chastity can be used as a form of self-denial or orgasm control, including ruined orgasms.

Choking: blood choking is the act of choking someone until they pass out. It is incredibly dangerous and can lead to brain damage. Choking is a type of edge play.

Claustrophilia:  this fetish is the opposite of claustrophobia. A person becomes aroused or experiences orgasm through confinement to small spaces. This is a type of bondage.

Clothed sex (endytophilia): the affinity for sex while fully or partially clothed. You can enjoy this kink while lifting your skirt or dress, so your man penetrates you. Pushing underwear to the side can also be a form of this fetish.

Cock and/or ball fetishization:  an obsession with cock and balls.

Cock worship:  similar to breast worship. This fetish involves verbal, physical and mental adoration of a penis – including fake ones (strap-ons).

Collaring:      for many types of submissive, the act of wearing a collar shows submission, loyalty and/or devotion to a dominant. A collar may be seen as purely sexual or also romantic (similar to an engagement/wedding ring). Collars may be placed on in public or private collaring ceremonies, and dominants may provide instructions for wearing collars. The collar may be an actual collar purchased from a pet store, one that is hand-tooled or a safe-for-work necklace or choker that can be worn in non-kinky spaces.

Consensual nonconsent:  situations where one or both parties have given prior consent for activities that may appear to be or actually involve nonconsent. Rape play is a common form. The “victim” has given prior consent to this type of play but seems to resist. Couples should negotiate boundaries beforehand, including a safe word. Consensual nonconsent should never be spontaneous. If negotiations are avoided or safe words ignored, consensual nonconsent can lead to real trauma or even become a sexual assault.

Corsetry: the act of wearing a corset, sometimes to the extent of changing the shape and size of one’s body. Tight-lacing a corset enables one to successfully waist-train.  Some dominants may use tight-lacing to limit breathing. It’s not just limited to your abs and tummy either.

Cross-dressing: dressing like a member of the opposite sex. For many people, it’s not necessarily sexual while it is for others. Cross-dressing can involve clothing, accessories, makeup, and wigs.

Crurophilia: A kink related to legs.

Crush fetish: a particular fetish relating to crushing small animals or objects. Squashing kink is a similar obsession.

Cunnilingus: this kink can be geared towards receiving oral sex as a woman or giving it either as a man or woman. Cunnilingus plays well with pussy worship. If your partner has a kink for licking pussy, you won’t need to convince him to go down on you.

Cupping: small cups or jars are applied upside down to the body, usually the back. Fire or a hand pump creates suction that results in temporary bruising and a tight feeling. Extreme cupping can break the skin, but cupping is considered safe (the flame is only used for suction and doesn’t burn the skin).


Dacryphilia: arousal caused by tears or crying.

Degradation: if you like when your man talks down to you during sex, you might be into degradation. This is one of those kinks that works especially well with domination and submission. Just because you like doing it (giving or receiving) during sex doesn’t mean you think any less of your partner. However, not everyone likes degradation, and that’s okay.

Dendrophilia: also known as Arbophilia. A sexual attraction to trees, either because they are phallic-shaped or because of their texture. May overlap with xylophilia.

Diapers: This fetish is usually part of infantilism – but not always.

Discipline:  giving or receiving punishment for perceived or defined infractions. Discipline is a major part of many power exchange relationships and something typically desired by masochists and administered by sadists.

Dirty talking: having a kink for talking dirty during sex is pretty tame. Some people might not even consider it a fetish! Get tips for talking dirty here.

Doraphilia: playing with skin, leather, or fur. Hyphephilia is a similar fetish for touching hair, fur, skin and certain fabrics.

Double penetration: penetration of a woman’s vagina and ass via a combination of toys, penises or both. Double penetration may be part of a group sex scenario (MFM).

Dracophilia: a fetish for dragons. Fantasy fetish companies such as Bad Dragon make dragon dildos, including those that ejaculate!

DVP:  stands for double vaginal penetration. Unlike double penetration (DP), which is simultaneous anal and vaginal penetration, DVP involves two penises or one penis and one toy in the vagina. It can be satisfying for all parties; although, it requires lube and preparation. In DVP, only one partner may have enough room to thrust.


Edge play:  Any kink or fetish that is considered more risky or extreme. Examples include choking, breath play, knife play, fire play, and any activity that results in bleeding.

Elastophilia:  a fetish for stretchy materials including spandex, latex, silicone, etc. Elastophiles often enjoy bouncing on these materials or sinking deep down into something stretchy.

Electric play: playing with uncontrolled electricity is very dangerous and can even lead to heart failure. However, most people (aside from those with pacemakers, heart issues, and other implants), can safely play with TENS units or violet wands to explore this kink.

Enemas: inserting a tube into the anus and using a liquid (typically water, but other solutions may be utilized including urine) to clean out the rectum. Enemas may be used to prepare for anal activities, but this is not necessary. An enema could be a form of punishment or control.

Enkuopoiphilia:  fetish for impregnation.

Eproctophilia: arousal from flatulence (farts). It’s a type of olfactophilia

Exhibitionism: a common fetish for being naked and performing sexually in front of a person or persons. Masturbating for your partner is a mild form of this kink, but performing in sex windows or at BDSM shows and parties is a safe way to explore this fetish. Sex in public is partly exhibitionism. Related to agrexophilia, which is arousal when other people know about your sexual activities, and autagonistophilia, exposing oneself while on stage and being photographed. The counterpart of voyeurism.

Exoticism:  fetishizing members and elements of Far Eastern culture (Japan, China, etc.), including fictional worlds inspired by these locations. A preoccupation with Geishas is common in the Western world, for example.


Face fucking: an extreme form of blowjob where a man roughly fucks a partner’s mouth. This kink isn’t inherently dangerous, but it can be uncomfortable and lead to tears, gagging and even vomiting.

Face sitting: the act of a woman sitting on a man’s face while he performs oral. Face sitting can include mild suffocation but doesn’t have to. It’s incredibly dominant.

Face slapping: a slap across the face brings you to attention and corrects your mistakes. You’re unlikely to enjoy this fetish unless you’re a bit of a masochist, but it’s not as far out as some items on our list of kinks.

Fat fetishism: The sexual attraction to overweight or obese people due to their weight and size. Gaining or feederism (mentioned below as “Forced feeding”) is a variation of fat fetishism where sexual attraction/gratification is not solely gained from the “fatness” but more from the process of gaining weight/getting fat.

Fellatio: Not usually deemed a fetish or kink, but it can be for some.

Figging: using ginger root to create a burning sensation. It must be peeled before it can be inserted anally or vaginally.

Fighting/Wrestling: play fighting and wrestling is sexy because of your body proximity as you struggle to maintain control. Even if you lose, you don’t really lose! If you’re turned on by a fight between other people, you’re not alone, either.

Fire play: a form of edge play that involves flames and fire. Kinksters should be careful with hair, which can burn off and smell terrible (consider shaving first). Fire/heat may be contrasted with cold/ice. Fire play can be dangerous.

Fisting: the act of penetration with a full hand. Unlike the name suggests, your partner should start with your hand straight and your thumb tucked under his fingers like a duck bill. After he inserts his knuckles – the widest part of his hand – he can curl his fingers into a fist/ball shape. Fisting requires time, patience, trust and lots of lube.

Flogging (flagellation): hitting someone with a multi-tailed tool known as a flogger. Depending upon the strength of the swing, flogging can range from warm-up to harsh impact that draws blood. Floggers tails come in many materials: fur, leather, suede, rubber, silicone, and ball chain to name a few.

Food play: incorporating food into sex. This may mean using someone as a dish or table, covering your partner’s body with food and licking it off (think whipped cream or chocolate sauce, but you can get creative!). Food play can be fun, but beware that playing with food near your vagina could contribute to a yeast infection.  A fetish for food is known as sitophilia.

Foot fetish (podophilia): a foot fetishist enjoys feet sexually. This may involve footjobs, licking and sucking, and massaging. Foot worship in a power exchange scene can take the form of polishing shoes or boots even with a tongue or worshipping feet!

Forced feeding: a kink for forcing someone to eat, potentially until they gain weight. This fetish is a type of body modification fetish. Feederism sometimes specifically refers to men feeding women but can be used without any distinction.

Formicophilia: arousal by insects or by insects crawling on and nibbling the body. The fetish for bees and wasps specifically is known as melissophilia while an attraction to spiders is known as arachnophilia.

Frotting: rubbing of two penises together. One man may hold the penises together during this act. Similar activities include frottage (rubbing while clothed for sexual stimulation) and frotteurism (rubbing or fondling an unsuspecting/non-consenting person).

Furries: this kink is hot, literally. Furries dress as animals or humanoid animal creatures sometimes decked head-to-toe in fur. They often don animalistic dildos via strap-ons to enhance their furry play. Many furries engage in role-playing games and cosplay as part of their lifestyle, which can become quite expensive.

Note that some furries engage only in costumes and roleplay only and no sexual activity (although some people do not see a distinction). To differentiate, “yiffy” refers to a sexualized furry fetish.


Gags: a form of mouth bondage. Gags come in many forms, but ball gags are the most common. They may also take the form of bit, cleave, pacifier, penis or spider gag, among others. Mouth gags aren’t usually dangerous, but they can be uncomfortable. Make sure to fit the gag properly into your (or your partner’s) mouth.

Gerontophilia: attraction to someone from a much older age group. Some relationships can fall into this kink if the members of the couple specifically fetishize the age difference.

Golden showers: a stream or shower of urine especially when directed onto another person.

Group sex (Polyiterophilia): group sex and multiple-party scenarios can be quite hot, but they can also be uncomfortable. Threesomes are one of the more common arrangements (and a fascination with three-person sex is known as triolism/troilism). Wanna try a threesome yourself?  Connect with like-minded adult Kiwis here.


Haematomania aka hematolagnia : lust for blood and bleeding. May include wounds, vampirism or biting to draw blood. It goes without saying that this one is obviously quite dangerous.

Harpaxophilia: the fetish for being robbed. Can be played as a role in consensual non-consent. Chrematistophilia is a similar kink for being forced to pay for sex.

Helplessness: any role in which someone is helpless. They may be the victim to their roleplay partner (robber, kidnapper, etc), or their partner may act as a saviour (think of a princess who needs saving or an inept housewife).

Homeovestism: attraction to the clothing of one’s own gender or by people wearing the clothing accepted as appropriate for their gender by society. Fun fact: this fetish was first defined by George Zavitzianos.

Hybristophilia: arousal by the knowledge that one’s partner has committed a heinous act or crime. This can include cheating, lying, robbery, or murder. This is sometimes known as Bonnie and Clyde Syndrome after the American bank-robbing and murdering duo. One partner is turned on by the other’s bad deeds. Some people find themselves attracted to criminals who are in prison.

Hypnotism: in an erotic situation, hypnosis could be a form of consensual nonconsent. Tip: try out this kink with some sexy magician/assistant role-play.

Hypoxia: paraphilia for being submerged under water to restrict breathing, a type of erotic asphyxiation. This can be fatal.


Immobility: a kink involving bondage and forced feeding.

Impact play: any activity involving hitting, either with body parts or other tools. Hitting, punching, spanking, flogging, whipping and paddling are just a few forms of impact play, and intensity varies with the tool and effort.

Impregnation: the fascination with making someone pregnant/conception during sex, typically from a man’s point of view.

Imprisonment: obsession with being locked inside cages, cells, coffins or other areas.

Infantilism: a specific type of age play where someone plays an infant/baby. This can involve pacifiers, diapers, bottles, etc. A second person may act as a nanny or parent.

Internal cumshots: similar to a semen fetish but arousal is due to being ejaculated into rather than on. If you’re trying to avoid pregnancy, anal sex is the only safe way to engage in this kink. But STIs can be transmitted through semen even during anal sex.

Intercrural or interfemoral sex: thrusting between someone’s thighs without penetration.

Intoxication: taking drugs or alcohol during or before a sex scene. Intoxication can lead to poor decision-making, risky behaviour and mistakes that could be dangerous or even fatal, especially when mixed with edge play.


Jerk off instructions (JOI): Being instructed to told to masturbate.


Katoptronophilia: a fetish for having sex in front of mirrors. Some people are simply turned on by seeing themselves in a mirror.

Keraunophilia: a sexual fascination with thunder and lightning – similar to arousal from thunderstorms (brontophilia). You can’t incorporate it into your sex, but a thunderstorm makes a good backdrop for sexy times! Many people find their levels of desire increase during storms.

Kigurumi: this fetish is all about wearing anime masks, specifically men who wear masks of women.

Knife play: a type of edge play activity that involves actual knives or blades or their implication. Breaking someone’s skin during kinky sex could be quite dangerous.


Lactation: a lactation fetishist is all about lactating mammaries, that is, boobs producing milk. Many women enjoy the sensation of nipple suckling, and their partners enjoy breastfeeding. Lactation fetishists may encourage lactation when it wouldn’t naturally occur because the milk specifically is their kink (lactophilia), or engage in breastfeeding without milk. Learn how to breastfeed your man.

Latex/rubber: latex, rubber, PVC and similar materials attract our eyes with their sheen. They make for perfect fetish photography, too. Fortunately, you can get your kink on with the help of many retailers that specialize in latex gear and clothing.

Lesbophilia: men with this kink enjoy lesbian sex more than the typical male. Some may go so far as to imagine themselves as women in girl-on-girl scenarios.

Lithophilia: a kink for rocks, stones, or gravel. This can be used nonsexually.


Macro Fetish: people with this kink enjoy partners who are giants. This may mean plus-sized, but it can mean giants in the realm of fantasy roleplaying and writing.

Macrogenitalism: a fetish for genitals that are particularly large. This isn’t limited just to penises.

Maiesiophilia: sexual attraction to pregnant women or giving birth.

Maschalagnia: a fetish dedicated to armpits, including, kissing, licking and smelling. This kink may also involve inserting penises in the armpit for stimulation.

Masochism: enjoyment of pain, punishment, and torture. Someone who feels this is known as a masochist. Masochists are often but not always submissive.

Mechanophilia: sexual attraction to and arousal by machines. While other fetishes objectify robots, this one can include a wider variety and may also go along with the desire to have sex in or on a machine such as a car, bike, plane, etc.

Medical play: role play involving medical scenarios, medical implements (scalpels, needles, speculums, etc) and/or medical uniforms. Medical play often involves an examination of one person by the “doctor,” who may take advantage of the situation. Play piercing is also common in medical play. Any play that breaks the skin can be dangerous if an infection occurs.

Menophilia: an obsession with menstrual blood. Fetishists of this type don’t mind period sex. In fact, they may prefer it. And they might like going down on a woman when she has her period.

Merinthophilia: the fetish for bondage. See also vincilagnia.

Mess fetish (hygrophilia): if you would rather avoid the wet spot on the bed, then this kink probably isn’t for you. Mess fetishists enjoy the mess created by sexual fluids, both male and female fluid. They may use the fluids as lubes, to drink, to “paint” on their partner’s body or to pass it back and forth orally (snowballing).

Micro fetish: the opposite of a macro fetish. Kinksters enjoy when partners are much smaller than them or being the smaller partner. Those who fall into the latter group may enjoy the feeling of being crushed during sex. Here’s a thread by someone who has a micro fetish.

Military: a military fetish that often goes hand in hand with a uniform fetish.

Mixophilia: a kink related to watching yourself having sex. Recording sex and mirrors are two ways to enjoy this kink.

Morphophilia: people with this fetish are attracted to bodies and body parts that are different from the norm. They might enjoy amputees, dwarves or people with other deformations.

Mummification: a kink where someone is bound entirely or nearly entirely to prevent almost all movement. A vacuum bed can achieve full mummification as can plastic wrap, but it can be dangerous if bindings prevent airflow. Mummification can also involve extreme temperatures, so hydration is a must to do it safely.

Muscles: some people have a fetish for defined or large muscles. Muscle worship is one variant of this kink.

Mysophilia: this fetish is for dirt and items that have been dirtied, especially by bodily fluids during sex. Used underwear is a common example.


Narratophilia: a fetish shared by those who enjoy telling and listening to dirty stories, talking about sex or incorporating dirty talk into sex.

Nasolingus: a fetish for sucking on someone’s nose.

Nasophilia: fetish for noses.

Necrophilia: the fetish for human corpses.

Necrozoophilia: fetish for deceased animals.

Needle play:  playing with needles can involve breaking the skin and temporary piercing. Needles can also be used to scratch.

Nonconsensual: a kink for sex without consent (rape). All nonconsensual sexual activities and play are forms of sexual assault or rape. This is illegal, traumatizing and can be dangerous.

Nullification: kink for removing any body part. This is very dangerous.

Nullo: an extreme kink for removal of genitals. In practice, nullo is very dangerous and can even be fatal.

Nyctophilia: if you love the night, you might have this fetish. It can also refer to fetishizing darkness. Scotophilia has the same meaning.


Objectophilia (Objectum Sexuality): also known as fetishism. This refers specifically to arousal by sexual activity with an inanimate object such as shoes.

Oculolinctus: the desire to lick eyeballs.

Oculophilia: an obsession with the eyes.

Odaxelagnia: kink for biting or being bitten. May or may not involve blood.

Odontophilia: the general fetish for teeth, which can include biting, licking teeth or even removing them.

Olfactophilia: attraction to smells, especially pungent body odours. Osmolagnia is the fetish for sweat or gaseous emissions specifically.

Omorashi: the Japanese word for a fetish related to having a full bladder and urinating oneself.  Often shortened to “omo.”

Orgasm denial: type of play where someone’s orgasm is denied entirely, limited/ruined or delayed.

Otherness: sexual attraction to someone from other places, including aliens. See all xenophilia and exoticism.


Parthenophilia: a fetish for virginal partners.

Partialism: the sexual obsession for specific body parts and not the whole. Eyes, face, forearms, and feet are all common objects of obsession, but any body part will do.

Pecattiphilia: fetish for sinning and breaking religious rules.

Penis Humiliation: a kink involving insulting a man’s penis, including size, appearance, and performance.

Peodeiktophilia: showing one’s penis to others (flashing).

Pet play: any kink where someone acts like a domesticated pet. Cats and dogs are especially common with leashes, collars and food/water dishes used as props.

Phalloorchoalgolagnia: arousal from pain directed toward male genitals.  See also cock and ball torture (CBT).

Phallophilia: obsession with large penises.

Phobophilia: sexual obsession with being afraid. This fetish can be directed toward hate as well as fear.

Phygephilia: fetish for being a fugitive on the run.

Pictophilia: fetish for watching pornography, especially of the same actor.

Play piercing (Piquerism, Picquerism): play piercing is performed for temporary decoration as well as for the sensation of breaking the skin.

Plushophilia: fetish for stuffed animals. These people may have a kink specifically for teddy bears, and they may be furries. Reddit has numerous communities on stuffed animals.

Pony play: a kink for acting like a pony or its master. “Ponies” can wear everything from blinders to bits to bridles to fake ears and hooves. Ponies are trained by their masters and may even do manual labour.

Psychrophilia: arousal by being cold or watching others be cold. Having sex in freezers or meat lockers or around ice might fulfil this kink. In other contexts, a psychrophile is an organism such as bacteria that grow in extreme temperatures such as the poles or deep ocean.

Pregnancy: This kink goes beyond a woman’s pregnant glow. Some people just can’t get enough of a pregnant woman’s powerful and sexy body. It’s so common that there are three different names for it: preggophilia, and maieusophoria. Your partner may even be surprised by how turned on he is when you’re pregnant – and your hormones might have you wanting more sex, too.

Psychrocism: fetish dedicated to being cold, having sex with a cold partner or using cold objects (ice cubes, cold dildos, etc) during sex.

Pteronphilia: kink for being tickled specifically by feathers.

Pubephilia: obsession with pubic hair. A love for pubic hair has been expressed in literature and art.

Pygmalionism: sexual obsession with human-like images, especially when you made it yourself. This fetish may lead to stimulating oneself with statues or mannequins.

Pygophilia: partialism to butts and seeing, touching and playing with them.

Pyrolagnia: sexual arousal from watching or setting fires. Playing with fire is dangerous.

Pyrophilia: a fascination with fire. Setting fires and using fire during sex can be dangerous. However, massage candles can be used safely because of the wax’s low melting point, and fire cupping is not usually risky.


Quirofilia: fetish for hands. Some people fetishize certain parts of the hand such as the fingers or fingernails. Others may prefer hands of a certain size or shape. Still, others with this fetish may enjoy seeing hands performing certain actions. It could be masturbation or something nonsexual such as washing the dishes.


Rape fantasy: a fetish for acting out a pretend rape (consensual nonconsent). This fantasy can occur on both the victim’s and perpetrator’s sides. Arousal at the idea of rape is known as raptophilia.

Revving: kink for watching someone rev an engine, especially when they wear heels. Also known as “pedal pushing” or “pedal pumping.” There are plenty of videos on pornography sites and even Youtube featuring women in bare feet or high heels pushing the gas pedal. Sometimes these women are referred to as gas pedal honeys.

Retifism: the fetish for shoes and footwear. Also known as altocalciphilia.

Rhabdophilia: a fetish for receiving physical beatings such as flogging or whipping.

Robotism: kink for robots, cyborgs or androids.

Ropework: a kink for rope as used as a specific type of bondage. Popular types of ropework include the Japanese-inspired shibari, more correctly called “Kinbaku”.

Rimming: a kink for giving or receiving rim jobs.


Sadism: the kink for providing pain. Masochists and sadists often come together to meet one another’s kinky needs.

Hey, do you think you might be kinky? You could be right! Find out more.

Savantophilia: fetish for people who have a cognitive impairment or delay.

Scatophilia is a fetish for faecal matter. Also known as coprophilia.

Sensation play:  a light kink where partners exchange sensations on the skin. Items with different textures (soft, hard, bumpy, smooth, cold, hot, etc) can be run across the skin. Pain isn’t involved, but you can alternate between pain and sensation during light BDSM play.

Sensory deprivation: any play that prevents someone from using one of their five senses. Blindfolds block sight, gloves prevent touch, earmuffs deprive the sense of hearing, etc.

Siderodromophilia: a fetish for trains or engaging in sexual activity on a train.

Slime fetish: a kink for slime and slimy things. Tentacles are a prime example of a slime fetish in popular media. This fetish is closely related to the mess fetish.

Sneezing Fetish: a kink for watching someone else sneeze. This person is usually naked. Sneezing elicits a bodily response somewhat similar to orgasm. People with a sneeze fetish might also participate in tickling and forced urinating kinks.

Snuff: a fantasy fetish for killing someone or being killed. Snuff is often considered to be an urban legend, and it’s obviously dangerous and illegal in practice.

Somnophilia: the fetish for sexual partners who are asleep. It is a rare fetish. People with this fascination may enjoy the “sleeping princess” trope. In reality, a partner should specify prior consent to sexual activity that happens or begins while they are asleep because sleeping people cannot give consent. Definitions differ, however.

Sounding: a kink for inserting thin tubes, usually made of glass or metal, into the urethra. This is one of the most common forms of urethral play. Kinksters often use medical sounds or similar tools, and sounding can be part of medical play. Sounding can be dangerous, especially if the item inserted breaks off internally or is not sanitized beforehand.

Spanking: this is a fetish that many people have tried in the bedroom. A firm hand comes into play as punishment or enticement in many power exchange relationships, including domestic discipline relationships and schoolgirl roleplay. You might enjoy spanking from time to time even if you don’t consider yourself all that kinky, but spanking can also be quite extreme.

Stigmatophilia: the fetish for piercings and sometimes tattoos. See body modification fetish.

Stockings: items that are often fetishized. Some people like all of them. Others prefer those that are lace-topped, hooked to a garter belt or with a visible seam down the back.

Strap-on: fetish specifically for using strap-ons. Anal, oral or vaginal penetration can be achieved. Anally penetrating a male with a strap-on is known as pegging.

Stygiophilia: arousal by thoughts of hell and eternal damnation.

Stuffing: eating until the point of physical pain.

Suspension: the practice of suspending someone from the ground or being suspended yourself. Suspension can be accomplished with ropes, harnesses and other devices and items.

Symphorphilia: fetish for watching car accidents or other traumatic incidents.


Taphephilia: fetish for being buried alive. This may be connected to an imprisonment kink.

Teasing (Tantalolagnia): To enjoy teasing as sexual gratification. This may be prolonged sexual teasing or teasing in the form of insults and ribbing.

Technophilia: a fetish for any technology such as robots, AI and sex machines. Kinks for cybernetic enhancements fall into this category, and some may fetishize the idea of amputations.

Teleiophilia: the erotic preference for persons between the age of physical maturity and the onset of middle-ages.

Telephonicophilia: the fetish for phone sex and dirty talking over the phone.

Tentacle fetish: fetish for tentacles. Many people enjoy animated erotica/pornography with tentacles, and tentacles dildos also lend to this fantasy.

Teratophilia: attraction to people with bodily deformities. This umbrella term includes several other fetishes on this list including stigmatophilia, morphophilia, and acrotomophilia. However, it may also refer to a sexual attraction to “actual” monsters.

Thesauromania: kink for collecting women’s clothing. The collector may focus on specific items/categories such as underwear.

Tickling (Knismolagnia, Knismo, Titillagnia): while tickling can be a form of teasing, it’s a kink in its own right for some people. Those who enjoy tickling may enjoy surrendering control or struggling to retain it. Tickling to the point of urinating is also one flavour of this fetish. Tickle torture is a kink for tickling or being tickled while bound.

Transformation fetish: kink for transforming into other people or even non-human creatures. TF is common in hentai and some written erotica.

Trichophilia: hair fetish.

Triolism: a fetish for threesomes. This may include a kink for watching your partner have sex with someone else.

Tripsolagnophilia: massage fetish. Even if you don’t have a fetish, a sensual massage can be relaxing and it’s good foreplay!


Underwear fetish: the fascination with underwear, usually women’s underwear. Men with this fetish will collect, wear or smell underwear.

Uniforms: many women love a man in uniform, but not every couple incorporates this into their sex lives. Those who do just might have a uniform fetish. Uniforms, of course, can make someone seem like a powerful person (military, police and firefighter uniforms are some of the most popular) or help you get into the role of a naif (schoolgirl, waitress, Playboy bunny) and a well-fitted uniform shows off a person’s body in just the right way. If your job requires a uniform, you’re in luck. Otherwise, you can hit up a costume shop or even buy uniform-inspired lingerie.

Ursusagalmatophilia: kink for teddy bears or dressing up as a teddy bear/animal.

Urtication: using the nettle plant to sting a partner’s skin.


Vaccinophilia: vaccination fetish. See also medical play and belonephilia.

Vicarphilia: being sexually vicarious, specifically related to enjoying other’s stories of sexual activity.

Vincilagnia: kink for being tied up and at the mercy of another person. This is a type of bondage fetish.

Vomit Fetish (Emetophilia): a sexual obsession with the act or substance of vomit.

Vore/Vorarephilia : the sexual desire to be eaten alive or to eat someone while they are still alive. Vore would be incredibly dangerous and illegal if attempted in reality, but it remains a fantasy for most people.

Voyeurism: a kink for watching someone else while naked or engaged in sexual activity. Voyeurs and exhibitionists make excellent pairings. Non-consensual voyeurism may be against the law. Ecotourism is a related kink for listening to someone have sex without permission. The fetish is also known as scopophilia.


Watersports (urophilia): A relatively popular fetish, watersports are also known as golden showers. This kink involves playing with urine, being peed on or urinating on another person. Want to know more about golden showers? A particular form of this is wetting: urinating in one’s underwear and clothing.

Wax play: using wax during sex. Wax comes in the form of massage candles, which are relatively safe. But other types of wax may have a higher melting point and be more dangerous. Flames used to melt wax also pose a risk.

Weapon fetish: sexual arousal due to weapons. This appears in some erotic media.

Wet and messy (WAM) fetish: being turned on by being soiled by things other than bodily fluids. Also known as sploshing. This can include food.


Xenophilia: sexual attraction to exotic people or objects.

Xylophilia: fetish for wood. It may also be described as an attraction to nature, sexual or in general.


Yeastiality: sexual activity involving bread, especially warm dough. This may be an alleged kink. Introducing yeast to the genitals can lead to an infection.

Yiffing: sex with stuffed animals or a furry.


Zelophilia: arousal due to jealousy, either your own or someone’s jealousy over you. Cuckhold fantasies are one such example where men know – and sometimes watch – their wives engaging in affairs.

Zentai: wearing skintight suits while grinding against others in similar suits.

Zoophilia: dressing like an animal for sex or feeling romantic attraction to animals.

Zoosexual: sexual attraction to animals. See bestiality.

Zwischenstufe: the sexual obsession with people of the same sex.

That’s it for our list of kinks and fetishes for now! There are a huge amount of sexual fetishes, and many Kiwis have more than one.

Does anything on this list pique your interest? Then you might be a little kinky. Find out how kinky you are and discuss it at the forums.

For the most part, a fetish or kink can be fun; although, there are some times when it can disturbing, dangerous, or illegal to participate in them, and you might want to seek professional help if your fetish falls into that category or if it’s disrupting your life.

If you noticed that we are missing something, please let us know in the comments section below.

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