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A more friendly kind of advertising where you can


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A more friendly kind of advertising where you can


A more friendly kind of advertising where you can


Listings from adult stores, agencies, service providers and other adult entertainment.

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A more friendly kind of advertising where you can

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Adult Blog Posts

Advertise via a blog post, no membership needed


A more friendly kind of advertising where you can


A more friendly kind of advertising where you can

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A more friendly kind of advertising where you can

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– and always will be.

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Frequently Asked Questions.

What is Oni NZ? is an adult social media platform designed specifically for like-minded Kiwis. Our primary purpose is to make it easy for adults to connect, share, and engage with others who appreciate sexy and erotic content, without the presence of porn. Oni NZ provides a respectful and fun environment focused on fostering real connections and meaningful interactions.

Is Oni NZ for adults only?

Yes, by law, you must be 18+ years of age to use Oni NZ.

Is Oni NZ free?

Yes, Oni NZ standard membership is free, and always will be! However, advertising (e.g. listings) on our platform is a paid service.

Are all members of Oni NZ verified?

No. However, if a member is verified, they will have an official verification badge displayed next to their Oni NZ username. If you wish to become verified, please request verification.

Is verification mandatory for Oni NZ members?

No. Member verification is currently optional, however, this may become mandatory at some point in the future. If you wish to become verified, please request verification.

Can a business join Oni NZ

Yes, businesses such as strip clubs, agencies, brothels, massage parlours, adult eCommerce, and more are allowed to join. We even have a dedicated Directory for them.

What are my Oni NZ advertising options?

You can create and pay for an ad listing to display within the main Directory. Additional advertising options, such as post ads, will be placed on our Newsroom page.

Is Oni NZ accessible outside New Zealand?

Our website is blocked from any Country outside NZ, besides Australia, for privacy and security reasons. If you are a Kiwi abroad and want to check our website, please use a VPN.

How do I report harrassment, abuse and violations?

Oni NZ strives to be a safer, yet uncensored social media experience for the adult Kiwi community. However, there may be times you need to report an account or violation for review.

How do I contact Oni NZ support?

Got a question? Need help with your account? You may visit our support group or use our contact form.

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